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Anno tricesimo primo Henrici octavi : Henry the VIII, by the Grace of God Kyng of England and of Fravnce, Defender of the fayth, Lord of Irelande, and in earth supreme hed immediately vnder Christ of the church of England to the honour of almighty God, conseruacion of the true doctrine of Christes religion, and for the concord quiet and vvelth of this his realme and subiectes of the same, helde his moste high court of Parliament, begunne at Vvestm[inster] the xxviii day of Aprill, and there continued till the xxviii day Iune, the xxxi yere of his most noble and victorious reigne, vvherin vvere establysshed these actes folovvinge

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タイトル Anno tricesimo primo Henrici octavi : Henry the VIII, by the Grace of God Kyng of England and of Fravnce, Defender of the fayth, Lord of Irelande, and in earth supreme hed immediately vnder Christ of the church of England to the honour of almighty God, conseruacion of the true doctrine of Christes religion, and for the concord quiet and vvelth of this his realme and subiectes of the same, helde his moste high court of Parliament, begunne at Vvestm[inster] the xxviii day of Aprill, and there continued till the xxviii day Iune, the xxxi yere of his most noble and victorious reigne, vvherin vvere establysshed these actes folovvinge
所蔵機関 明治大学図書館
所蔵機関URL https://www.meiji.ac.jp/library/
カテゴリ1 図書館資料
カテゴリ2 洋貴重書
資料種別 文書
ライセンス パブリックドメイン
書誌ID TY09130236
著者標目 *England and Wales. Sovereign (1536-1547 : Henry VIII) <>
出版・頒布事項 Londini : anno Verbi Incarnati[onis] , [i.e. 1539]
形態事項 xxvi leaves ; 30 cm
注記 Text in Black Letter/Leaves viii, xiii, xix, xxiiii, xxix numbered xii, xii, xxii, xxii, xxvi
書誌URL https://opac2018.lib.meiji.ac.jp/webopac/TY09130236
請求記号 091.3/69//H